Create Abundance

in your own backyard


Turn your backyard into a healthy, productive, and sustainable source of homegrown fruits and vegetables.

The Garden Starter provides a comprehensive solution to growing nutrient-dense produce in the comfort of your own backyard.

The Garden Starter is a family operated business unlike any other business you’ll ever work with.

The goal of The Garden Starter is to create abundance for clients by custom building garden spaces that align with the needs of the client and the layout of the property. The client is invited and encouraged, but not required to work alongside the garden starter in the design and build of the garden. Personal contributions made by the client directly reduce the cost of the project and provide a unique learning experience.

The process starts with an on-site visit to the client’s space for a personal consultation. The Garden Starter will ask a series of questions to assess the production needs of the garden. From there, an understanding of the size of the garden and types of fruits and vegetables will be determined and a design created to accommodate production needs with the availability of the land. The garden may be as simple as tilling an area or as comprehensive as creating terraces, raised planter boxes, custom irrigation systems, and greenhouse builds. It all starts with what you want out of your garden and goes from there.

Once a design is agreed upon, a quote will be provided and the work can be scheduled. The client's contribution to the build is not limited to the client him/herself but can be expanded to include a “build party” if the client so chooses and has found willing volunteers to assist.

Following the build, a three-season planting map will be provided to identify the best locations for each planting for each season.

Ongoing support is provided at no additional cost to all clients in the form of seasonal newsletters, planting and growing tips, seasonal maintenance reminders, and continual access to consulting and personal questions that may arise for as long as the client may need.

  • Dream it.

    Imagine your yard as being the source of all your healthy produce.

  • Build it.

    The Garden Starter turns your dream into a functional growing space.

  • Grow it.

    The Garden Starter provides a three-season planting map for abundance in spring, summer, and fall.

  • Sustain it.

    The Garden Starter provides gardening tips, advice, and ongoing consulting for all clients.

Self Sustainability Starts Here


The design of your garden requires several factors unique to the layout of your yard, what you want to grow, how much you want to grow, how much garden you can handle, and what you intend to do with what you grow. Making sure that it’s done right from the beginning ensures optimal growing conditions and maximizes the harvest. Contact me to visit your site and provide a customized garden layout to meet your needs and produce success in the first year and every year after.


Building a garden sets the infrastructure for your abundance. Whether it be raised beds or in-ground rows, each build is custom to the layout of your property and based on the design to meet your needs. Organic soil amendments create the perfect micro-biome that sustains abundance throughout the growing season and creates an environment allowing plants to thrive in their most natural state. I will build your garden based on the design that will produce the most abundance for you and your family.


I provide a three-season garden map that will provide you with the placement and timing of the vegetables you intend to grow in a location that will provide optimal growth, spacing, and root depth requirements. Some plants do well from seed starts while others do better with plant starts. Get it right from the beginning and save the frustration of failed crops and wasted growing seasons. I can plant your garden for you, or with you, or let you handle the dirty work yourself.


Setting up a garden correctly from the beginning is the key to a successful growing season. When done correctly, the established conditions will provide proper nutrients for your plants, vegetables, and eventually yourself. Growth considerations include soil maintenance, water requirements, pest control, and weed control. Sign up for my seasonal newsletter to receive planting, growing, and garden maintenance tips throughout the season to properly prepare your garden for optimal production.

Take a step towards self-sustainability

Make intentional food choices

Start creating abundance now.