Motivate & Cultivate

Check back to this section for updates on growing tips, garden maintenance, or an occasional blog post relevant to our current environment.

Paul Esslinger Paul Esslinger


Spring is the time to set the foundation of your garden.

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Paul Esslinger Paul Esslinger


Summer is the time to monitor the health of your plants.

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Paul Esslinger Paul Esslinger


Continue abundance into the fall.

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Paul Esslinger Paul Esslinger


Prepare for the growing season.

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The case for self-sustainability.


For the past two generations, growing a garden has become a hobby rather than a necessity. The emergence of factory farming, industrial food processors, and just in time supply chains have managed to keep our grocery stores and restaurants fully stocked with the food necessary to sustain our busy lifestyles. While we do our own thing, there are industrial farmers growing our food and truckers delivering it to our grocery stores.

Our current environment is changing rapidly though, and these systems have been stressed to the point of imminent collapse. Food in the grocery store has minimal nutritional value, chemical fertilizers have destroyed soil microbiomes, and supply chains are quickly breaking down. The systems that have grown and delivered food to our grocery stores will soon no longer be able to sustain the convenient luxury we’ve grown accustomed to.

We are entering a time where dependence on these systems is no longer a sustainable option. Many people are just now getting hit with the realization that big changes are heading our way. While this may seem like an impossible situation, the reality is that it provides us the opportunity through the necessity to return to our humanity and reconnect with the abundance that is all around us.

Those that can see the writing on the wall are in a much better position to stay ahead of the changing environment and navigate new challenges that have not been part of our reality up until now. Our grandparent’s generation faced similar challenges, and in their day, they were able to survive because they knew how to sustain themselves. What we call preppers or homesteaders today are what previous generations knew as normal living. We have been softened by a society that has brought everything to our doorstep or streamed through our devices. Our dependence on these conveniences has become our liability as a human species.

The truth is that nature has consistently provided for humans for eons. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be here today. Humans are not the scourge of the earth that society would like for you to believe, but are an important integral part of the overall dynamic of the natural cycle we live in. Short-term thinking, short-term gains, and quick profits have put regenerative agriculture and proper animal husbandry on the back burner while we deplete the resources in our environment to a point where they can no longer sustain us.

This is the true reality of our situation today. We can choose to believe the misdirecting media and allow them to dictate our actions by becoming more dependent on their systems of control, or we can take a step back and say no, I choose to live life my way. This is the decision we face at this time in history. The abundance of nature is and always has been there, waiting for us to return to her. Rather than trying to conquer and dominate, the shift is towards collaboration and respect. When we work with nature, nature will work for us. We have been born onto a planet with amazing resources and the ability to regenerate and provide everything we could ever ask for and need.

It is our responsibility to work with nature and give it what she needs and she in turn will respond by providing us with abundance in all that we need. So how do we do that? Start a garden. Get back in touch with nature. Work with her, learn her subtle and powerful energy in order to create a partnership of abundance. The love that you pour into a garden will pour love back onto you creating a dynamic cycle of returning and increasing yields of nutrient-dense organic food.